



2022- https://theplace.org.uk/blogs-stories/tue-31-may-miriam-levy-house-of-mirth-casper-dillen
"...a memorably surreal show, featuring a cast of eight, including Dillen's own terrific hopping mermaid, performing weird games and dares. It delighted you with the unexpected, often involving keeping ping pong balls in the air and, come the end, the stage was littered with them and the results of a mad pillow fight. A bonkers piece, if the unintelligible and tuneless singing at the end was just too low key. But I'll certainly lookout for more of Casper Dillen's work." - Bruce Marriott

2024 - https://www.kahyunlee.com/reflections-in-shattered-mirror
"...challenges the perception of the real..." "...scenes of dismantled life..." - Kahyun Lee

2024 - https://www.britishtheatreguide.info/reviews/frankenstein-the-lowry-salf-23083
"...The most striking link between the naturalism of the modern-day story and the symbolic retelling of the novel is Casper Dillen's very physical and often intimate choreography, executed very well by the two young actors, which links together the two stories and the various styles of their telling..." - David Chadderton

2024 - https://liveartalive.com/tag/casper-dillen/
"...The choreography by Casper Dillen has an urgency and desperation that channels that of Victor Frankenstein and his Creature while also illustrating the push/pull of the young couple deciding what to do regarding the pregnancy..." - Live art live

2024 - Yorkshire Times - Breathes New Life Into Classic Frankenstein
"...But I cannot conclude without mention of Casper Dillen's brilliant, almost violent choreography, representing the struggle with life. Superb and so well done..." - Phil Hopkins

2024 - ART.ZIP - group exhibition - Manque Objet Petite 'a', Greatorex St.
"...Casper Dillen organised a happening titled: 'Are We Still Friends?' (2024)..." "...This work cleverly explores the relationship between absence and fulfilment, filled with associations and explorations of the unknown..." - ART.ZIP

2025 - Mouth Wash and Razor Blades at The Place, 18 January 2025
"I have no hesitation whatsoever in declaring Casper Dillen and Small Sample Size Theatre's Mouth Wash and Razor Blades the most exciting piece of physical theatre I have ever seen at Resolution. A teaser of a synopsis in no way prepares you for the 20 minutes of surreal and bonkers madness that ensues from a deadpan cast of 13. It is a work that deserves a longer life, and I am reluctant to reveal too much, as constant visual surprise is such a vital part of the experience. But the Waltz of the Dinosaurs will long stay with me, and I will never again enter a public toilet without considering the earnest and worrying words of wisdom regarding pickpockets. Glorious work, and I am certainly interested in what Dillen and Small Sample Size do next." - Bruce Marriott


2023 - Casper Dillen interviewed by Sophie Smith
WAF x Riverside Radio - Long Tennis

2023 - Casper Dillen in conversation with Jane Lee
A conversation about All Fish Are Dead Fish

2024 - Casper Dillen interviewed by Ian Barclay
Riverside Radio - A mirror is not a mirror

2024 - Casper Dillen in conversation with Victoria Stepanets
Interview published in ArtTalks magazine, issue #2

Photograph by Ning An